
Annual membership fee

  • Reduced rate*: 15 €
  • Full rate: 40 €

* students, unemployed people, retired people, people from the "Global South"

Cost per issue of the BMSAP Journal

Orders for volumes should be addressed to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The price per issue is 20 €. 



The Société d'Anthropologie de Paris is a registered not-for-profit association under the French Charities Act of 1901. As such, it is able to accept donations, even from non-members.
Please note that if you declare your income in France, you are entitled to a tax deduction of 66% of the amount paid to a charitable organisation, even if you are not taxable. This means that your annual membership fee or donation will actually cost you only a third of what you pay to the Society.

Methods of payment

Please note that you will only be able to pay the membership fee after validation of your application by the Board of Directors. You can apply for SAP membership using the form on this page)

  • By bank transfer to the account of the Société d'Anthropologie de Paris:

IBAN: FR76 3000 4003 1600 0000 1107 031


  • By cheque made out to the Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, to be sent to the Secretary General at the following address:

Madame la Secrétaire Générale de la SAP
Société d’Anthropologie de Paris
Université de Bordeaux Bât B8
Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire CS 50023
33615 Pessac Cedex

  • By Paypal (please be aware that using Paypal generates fees charged to the SAP. This method is mainly intended for our non-EU members: other members are kindly requested to pay by bank transfer or cheque):